Pizza needs no introduction. Originating from Italy, no dish has global widespread acceptance on the level of pizzas. But for how frequent we consume it, I find it equally baffling that we never consider making it on our own. Possibly due to its intimidating demeanor, or the fact that a good pizza is always just a phone call away, I hope I can nudge you ever so slightly into the kitchen and take on homemade pizza. Take it from me, it is much EASIER than you think. It’s half the trouble of making bread, but twice the fun and three times the flavor!

Making your own homemade pizza dough
To make delicious homemade pizzas, it starts with the dough. High protein flour, olive oil, water, yeast and a sprinkle of salt and pepper is all you need. The real key to a good pizza dough is the texture, so proofing time is paramount here. My kitchen is relatively warmer, so I proofed mine for about 45 minutes.

Whilst the dough is proofing, you may start prepping your pizza base sauce and toppings.

When the dough has risen, it is best not to roll it out using a rolling pin. The pin would squeeze out the trapped air in the dough. You want those air pockets, so the best way is to lift the entire slab of dough from one edge with both hands with your eight fingers forming an inward “hook”. The idea is for the dough to stretch out by its own weight and the gravity pull. Move your fingers clockwise inch by inch as you rotate until the dough reaches your intended size and shape.

It will be quite hard to get a perfect circle at first but you will get a hang of it the more pizzas you make!
When you have your pizza dough, now comes the fun part – the toppings! You can get creative and throw in anything you fancy. I will only be making the most basic pizza toppings in this recipe (tomato and cheese) and leave the rest up to you.

What cheeses work best on a pizza?
I made my tomato paste from canned tomato paste and blended tomato puree. As this will form the base of your pizzas, you would want to season them well.
As for the cheese, I used shredded and block Mozzarella. If you can get your hands on buffalo Mozzarella, even better! Always use soft white cheeses on pizzas like Gorgonzola or Provolone. Hard cheeses like Parmesan is too distinct and sharp, not suitable for baking in the oven. Be generous with the cheese!
After spreading your tomato and cheese on the dough, you can put the rest of whatever ingredients you desire. Always put the “heavier, chunkier pieces near the edge of the pizzas. This is so that the edge will form a nice risen crust and the heavy ingredients will weight the rest of the pizza down. After assembling all your ingredients, top it with a drizzle of olive oil and more Mozzarella. That will give you a lovely sea of melty, gooey white when it comes out the oven.

As I was making a classic Margheritta, my only topping was fresh basil. Top half of it into the oven to bake and the rest to be dressed right after its done.

Crank your oven to the highest temperature!
A true Neapolitan pizza will only take a minute or two in a brick fire oven that can reach a scorching 500 degrees C. The hotter the better! As most of us are using conventional ovens, you would want to preheat your oven to the highest temperature possible. Mine was preheated to 250 degrees C for 30 minutes. If you have a pizza stone, leave it to preheat inside too. This will give that wonderful char on the bottom of your crust. As I don’t own one, I made a makeshift one with an overturned baking tray. It won’t give a similar char but at the very least, it will be cooked. In a 250 degree oven, my pizzas take 8-9 minutes to cook.

This is what you should be aiming for when the pizza is done. A thin, soft, chewy bread base and a crispy puffed up crust with some charring and air pockets. The mozzarella melted into a puddle of dreamy goodness, as the mixture of cooked and fresh basil fills the room. The tomato base should not be dry nor soggy, in between is where you find pure mouth watering bliss.

Nail this combination of factors, and you will have a pizza that would give Domino’s a run for their money. As a matter of fact, I will have this over any franchise any day. Delicious, comforting, irresistible.

Homemade Pizza Topping Variations
If you want a lighter pizza, I highly recommend trying homemade pizza Bianca, which is essentially a “white pizza” meaning no tomato sauce. Drizzle olive oil on dough, then top with chopped garlic, rosemary leaves, and cheese of your choice. I also threw in some brown mushroom slices.

This is another one of my favorite topping combination with alfredo cream sauce as the base along with a bunch of baby spinach, homemade caramelized onion relish, brown mushrooms, a ton of mozzarella and lastly some thyme to finish.

From start to finish, it takes only an hour to 1.5 hours at most. As you get to customize your own toppings, you’ll never run out of flavors on pizza day! 🍕 Let me know what are your favorite toppings in the comment section below!
Homemade Pizza from Scratch
Pizza Dough
- 220 g water
- 2 tsp dried instant yeast
- 1 tsp raw sugar optional
- 400 g medium/high protein bread flour
- 30 g olive oil
- 1 tsp salt
Tomato Based Pizza Sauce
- 400 g canned tomatoes
- 170 g tomato paste
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp salt
- ¼ tsp ground black pepper
- 2-3 garlic cloves peeled & minced
- lots of mozzarella cheese
Pizza Dough – Conventional
- Pour in 180g of water at room temperature, followed by 40g of hot water into mixing bowl. Add yeast and sugar, stir to combine. Then add flour, olive oil & salt. Start Dough mode. After few minutes, check dough to ensure ingredients are well combined. Use spatula to scrape if flour sticks to the corners of the bowl.
- Transfer dough to a silicone bread mat, and divide into halves. Shape into balls, wrap loosely using cling wrap/damp towel and proof for at least 15 mins. I let mine proof for at least 30-60 minutes.
Pizza Dough – Thermomix
- Place water, yeast & sugar into mixing bowl – warm for 2 mins/37°C/Sp1. Add flour, olive oil & salt, then knead 2 mins. Transfer dough to a silicone bread mat, and divide into halves. Shape into balls, wrap loosely using cling wrap/damp towel and proof for at least 15 mins. I let mine proof for at least 30-60 minutes.
Tomato Based Pizza Sauce
- CONVENTIONAL: Blend all of the ingredients using a conventional blender/food processor.
- THERMOMIX: Add peeled garlic cloves in the TM bowl. Keep your MC on to avoid splattering. Chop 3sec/Spd6. Scrape down bowl and add in remaining ingredients. Puree for 20secs/Spd7 or until paste is smooth.
- This recipe makes sauce enough for 4-5 large pizzas (you’d need only 1/3 cup per large pizza). Store remaining sauce in clean glass jars for up to 2 weeks. This sauce can also be used for pasta.
Baking your Pizza
- Preheat your oven to the highest temperature possible for at least 40-45 minutes prior to cooking. Mine goes up to 250°C at maximum.
- Leave baking tray to heat up inside, which we will use in substitute of a pizza stone.
- Pinch/roll out pizza dough as thinly as you like and place it atop a pizza crisper, which you would place directly on top of the heated baking tray.
- With the oven temp this high, the pizzas would take only 8-9 mins at most to cook. When cooked, there might be a few large bubbles on the crust, the bottom would be slightly charred but the center would remain chewy with melted and bubbling cheese.
Have you tried this recipe?
Made pizza first time from scratch with Michelle’s recipe! I split the dough into 4 for a thinner crust and it’s oh so good!! Easy and fuss free, especially love the TMX twist in all of the recipes, thanks so much!
Such a great idea for those who wants a thinner crust! Thanks for sharing!
Previously I have no idea what’s wrong with my pizza crust until I read Michelle’s post here. Her very detailed recipes had made my day. 🥰🥰 Finally I made a soft yet crispy crust and my husband gave it 💯! Thanks a lot, Michelle!! ❤️
My first ever pizza using my TM31! Big thanks to Michelle for sharing the recipe and also tips on how to do it♥️ it’s soooooo good! Will definitely make it again😁